Italia Solare chiede all’Europa di alzare il target rinnovabili

Riscopriamo una nuova energia

Italia Solare ha partecipato a diversi incontri al Parlamento Europeo per chiedere di innalzare il target delle rinnovabili in Europa ad almeno il 35% entro il 2030.
Target condiviso all’unanimità da tutte le associazioni delle rinnovabili europee che hanno unito le loro forze e scritto una lettera a tutti i membri del Parlamento Europeo.

Di seguito il testo originale:

Higher renewable energy ambition required to avoid deployment slowdown European renewable energy industry statement on the European 2030 renewable energy target Dear Member of the European Parliament, The Clean Energy for All Europeans package proposed by the European Commission in November last year suggests a European binding target of at least 27% renewable energy by 2030.

This target’s lack of ambition translates to a slow-down in renewable energy deployment after 2020. Going below a target of 35% would mean that, over the next decade, Europe installs less new renewable energy capacity than in the current one, putting its competitive edge at risk.

We therefore urge you to support a binding target of at least 35% as being the bare minimum to keep momentum going in this fast-growing industry and ensure Europe reaps the economic benefits resulting from a sustained renewable energy deployment.

If Europe’s objective is to be number one in renewables and to honour the Paris agreements, a higher target should be considered in line with the proposals of the co-rapporteurs of the regulation on the governance of the Energy Union.
We would be delighted to meet with you to discuss this crucial matter and look forward to your response.